Q: How do I get unlimited ammo for the weapons in Resident Evil 5 on the Xbox 360 or PS3?
A: There are few requirements in order unlock infinite ammo for the weapons in Resident Evil 5. It is possible to get unlimited ammo for every major weapon in the game, but to unlock infinite ammo for the rocket launcher is little bit harder.
First we’ll to through the main weapons, so this applies to all weapons except for the rocket launcher and grenade launcher. The grenade launcher does not have an infinite ammo option.
1) The first criteria is that you have to finish the game on any difficulty.
2) You have to upgrade all attributes of a weapon that you want to have unlimited ammo with. This includes piercing, critical hit, or any other extra stat. Every possible upgrade must be purchased.
3) Go to Bonus Features and purchase the unlimited ammo cheat for that gun with the points you’ve been getting from ranks and emblems during levels. This must be done for every weapon you want unlimited ammo for.
4) Go to Special Settings and turn on Unlimited Ammo, this should only need to be done once.
5) Now there should be a setting when you start a new game to enable infinite ammo. It’s on one of the last screens when you start a game, on the same screen as choosing your network settings, etc.
You should now have unlimited ammo with the weapon(s) you’ve unlocked so far, and it should automatically apply the cheat for any new weapons you purchase it for as well.
Check out my other article if you’re trying to unlock infinite ammo for the rocket launcher.
- If you need more points, run through short levels (like Savanna, level 2-3) with a powerful weapon multiple times to get maximum points for your time. Level 3-1 has a few gems in the starting spot as well if you have a keen eye, so don’t forget to pick them up before you save and quit, to get a little extra money. One is on the left in a skull, the other is a bug on the fence on the right.
- Max out a magnum first and unlock the unlimited ammo for it, this will speed up the time it takes to get the points you need
- One easy way to get a lot of money quickly is to go to the end of level 5-3 Uroboros Research Facility, where you fight Jill and Wesker. Once past the cut scene, grab all of the items in this level, totaling to about 10 to 11k worth of money. There are a ton of vases here with gold, ammo, herbs, gems, and a sarcophagus with several gems and a L. Hawk Magnum you can sell over and over again for money and magnum ammo. Once you have everything you want, do not restart but choose to Quit and you are able to save your character’s status. Keep continuing to this spot and you’ll rack up money pretty quickly, and even quicker with a partner.
- Another easy way to get money is level 5-1 Underground Garden. You can either take them out very quickly if you have unlimited rocket launcher ammo, or you can pop them once with your fully upgraded S&W M500. Do the same thing here, Quit, save, and do it again.