Dead Rising is back with a new installment in Dead Rising 4 for the PC and Xbox One, which can only mean the return of Combo Weapons!
There are a lot of combo weapon blueprints to find in Dead Rising 4, some being familiar (like my personal favorite; Dynameat), and some new additions as well.
Some combo weapons are extremely deadly, and some are just damn funny, like the Fish Launcher. I mean, who doesn’t love to shoot fish at zombies?
As always, some of these blueprints will be locked behind story mission progression, however most can be found at any point in the game once you can access the location.
Melee Combo Weapon Blueprint Locations
Acid Maul (Combo – Maul + Chemical) – Located in the Medieval Town Museum in Willamette Memorial Megaplex, which is near the entrance to Medieval Town. You’ll find the weapon blueprint on the counter.
Back Cracker (Toy Drummer + Mechanical Parts) – Located in Nickolls Ink in North Peak, you’ll find the weapon blueprint on a table inside.
Blast From The Past (Sledgehammer + Explosive) – During the Prologue mission, in the military facility after the alarms go off, you’ll find the bluepring on a green crate on the left in the hallway.
Bon Bomb (Holiday Cracker + Explosive) – Located in Tom’s Compound in West Ridge, you’ll find the blueprint in the workshop in the barn.
Deck The Halls (Holiday Bell + Gloves) – During Case 3, travel to Jox’s House in Mountain Ridge Estate to find the weapon blueprint inside.
Electric Wrath (Wreath + Electronics) – First, acquire the key from the security room in Virago Hotel in Willamette Memorial Megaplex. The weapon blueprint is found in a locked cabinet in the back room of El Mode Design in the Miami Boardwalk, also in Willamette Memorial Megaplex.
Equalizer (Baseball Bat + Bladed Weapon) – Simply complete Case 1 to unlock this combo weapon blueprint.
Flaming Helmet (Triceratops Mask + Chemicals) – Located in the Toy Rex Shop on the first floor of the northern section of Willamette Memorial Megaplex. You’ll find the combo weapon blueprint on the counter.
Flaming Sword (Gasoline Canister + Bladed Weapon) – You’ll need access to an Exo Suit to find this weapon blueprint. Travel to the park in Old Town and use the Spectrum Analyzer at the colored circle that will appear in the center of the park. Dig at that location with the Exo Suit to find the combo weapon blueprint.
Floating Lantern (Lantern + Explosive) – Located in Oh-San’s Sun & Moon Sushi in Kiichiro Plaza in Willamette Memorial Megaplex, you’ll find the weapon blueprint on the counter.
Froztee Penguin (Penguin Mask + Chemicals) – In the first mission after the helicopter crashes, look for the Froztee locker key inside of the bar near The Thirsty Amazon in Willamette Memorial Megaplex. You’ll find the weapon blueprint in the locker inside of Froztee’s Frozen Yogurt Shop.
Gandelf (Lawn Ornament + Long Melee Weapon) – Located in the Gardner’s House in West Ridge. You’ll find a key in the bedroom, and the blueprint is located in a locker in the garage.
Glass Knuckles (Tree Topper + Gloves) – You can purchase this weapon blueprint for $6,000 at the Emergency Shelter weapon vendor in West Ridge.
Holiday Junk (Shopping Valuable + Toys) – There will be a story mission where you are sent to investigate the Christmas area in Old Town. The blueprint is in Santa’s chair near the Willamette Bus Stop. The blueprint won’t spawn until you are sent here by the story mission.
Ice Sword (Liquid Nitrogen + Bladed Weapon) – Located in an apartment above Dodd’s Drugs in Old Town. Reach the apartment by the fire escape in the alley behind the building.
Jurassic Barf (T-Rex Mask + Chemicals) – Located inside of The Peaks Motel in North Peak. Look beneath the staircase on the first floor to find the blueprint.
Laser Sword (Gems + Electronics) – Located inside of the Charms Of Desire jewelry store, on the second floor of the southwestern section of Willamette Memorial Megaplex.
Magic Wand (Wand + Chemicals) – Travel southeast of the Emergency Shelter in West Ridge and you’ll find Brieder’s House. You’ll find the blueprint on a table inside.
Roaring Thunder (Blanka Mask + Electronics) – Located inside of Tetro’s Comics & Collectibles in Old Town. You’ll find the weapon blueprint on the counter.
Roto Killer (Grass Trimmer + Bladed Weapon) – Travel to the park in Old Town and look in the northern section of the park. You’ll find the weapon blueprint sitting on a bench by the restrooms.
Santa Trap (Singing Santa + Chemicals) – First, acquire the key from Santa’s chair in Willamette Memorial Megaplex. Next, travel to the the North Pole Town Square Workshop in Central Plaza. Use the Sequence Analyzer on the bookcase to open the Panic Room and you’ll find the blueprint inside.
Sentry Kittens (LCD Monitor + Toys) – You’ll need access to an Exo Suit to find this weapon blueprint. At the dam on the way to North Peak, you’ll find an Exo Suit near some trucks. Take the suit beneath the Willamette Hydroelectric Station sign and use the Spectrum Analyzer on the ground here. You’ll find a spot to dig to find the weapon blueprint.
Sledge Saw (Cement Saw + Blunt Weapon) – You’ll need access to an Exo Suit to find this weapon blueprint. Travel to Willamette Jr. High School courtyard in West Ridge and use the Spectrum Analyzer on the ground near the stairs. You’ll find a spot to dig with the Exo Suit and find the blueprint. There is a an Exo Suit at the West Ridge church nearby.
Slicing Beauty (Propane Tank + Bladed Weapon) – In the first Case, find the enemy with the Heavy Machinegun and look for a tent nearby to find the Obscuri locker key. Next, you’ll find a door with a keypad on the locked quarantine room outside of Central Plaza. You’ll find the combo weapon blueprint inside.
Tripod Zapper (Tripod + Laptop) – Complete Case 5 to unlock the Tripod Zapper weapon blueprint.
Ranged Combo Weapon Blueprint Locations
Acid Rain (Flare Gun + Chemicals) – Located on the third floor of the construction site in North Peak. Turn right after you see the Vacuum upgrade and you’ll find a spot to smash the wall and find the weapon blueprint inside.
Bazooka Cannon (Toy Cannon + Chemicals) – Complete Case 4 to unlock this combo weapon blueprint.
Blambow (Crossbow + Explosive) – Located in Virago Hotel in the Amazon Food Court in Willamette Memorial Megaplex. You’ll find the weapon blueprint behind the counter.
Fish Launcher (Swordfish + Bow and Arrow) – First find the key at the top of the yellow clock tower near Caribbean Cove in Willamette Memorial Megaplex. You’ll find the locker with the blueprint inside of Pirate’s Catch Restaurant in Caribbean Cove.
Hit Maker (Turntable + Electronics) – Located in Muzak’s house in the southestern section of West Ridge. You’ll find the weapon blueprint on a small table inside.
Holey Terror (Computer + Gun) – In Case 2, travel to the Fire Hall in Old Town. You’ll find the weapon blueprint on the second floor in the kitchen.
Ice Chain Gun (Snow Cone Maker + Electronics) – Located in Quizeen’s House in the southeastern section of West Ridge. You’ll find the weapon blueprint on the kitchen counter inside.
Ion Cannon (Battery + Ranged Weapon) – Located in Gruff’n Tuff Motors next to the Emergency Shelter in North Peak. You’ll find the combo weapon blueprint on the counter inside.
Laser Slicer (Microscope + Gun) – You can purchase this blueprint for $6,000 from the Emergency Shelter weapon vendor in North Peak.
Nut Blaster (Nutcracker + Ranged Weapon) – First, ravel to the Emergency Shelter in West Ridge and find a key inside. Next go to the Patriot’s house and you’ll find a locked trapdoor in the backyard. Unlock the panic room door with the key and you’ll find the blueprint inside.
Ornament Gun (T-Shirt Launcher + Toys) – Located in Mad Love Tees in Willamette Memorial Megaplex, which is near the entrance to Medieval Town. You’ll find the weapon blueprint on the counter.
Raining Nails (Flare Gun + Mechanical Parts) – First, look for the key just south of Big Buck Hunters behind a dumpster. You’ll find the blueprint inside of a locker in the back of Big Buck Hunters.
Split Shot (Lead Pipe + Gun) – Travel to Willamette City Hall Archives in Old Town and use the Spectrum Analyser near the Exo Suit container in the military checkpoint to find a dig spot. Grab the Exo Suit and dig to find the weapon blueprint.
Umbrella Gun (Umbrella + Electronics) – First find the bunker key in the women’s restroom outside of Virago Hotel in the Amazon Food Court in Willamette Memorial Megaplex. Use the Spectrum Analyzer in the hotel lobby in Virago Hotel to find a hidden door. Use the key to open the door and find the weapon blueprint on a bed inside.
Thrown Combo Weapon Blueprint Locations
Chuck ‘n Chop (Hatchet + Bladed Weapon) – You can purchase this blueprint for $6,000 from the Emergency Shelter weapon vendor in Old Town.
DIY Grenade (Martini Shaker + Chemicals) – Located in Shanky’s Pool Hall in North Peak. You’ll find the combo weapon blueprint on a counter inside.
Dynameat (Hunk of Meat + Explosive) – Complete Case 3 to unlock this combo weapon blueprint.
Plunger Lure (Plunger + Computer) – You can purchase this blueprint for $6,000 from the Emergency Shelter weapon vendor in Willamette Memorial Megaplex.
Soundwave Trap (Gong + Computer) – Located in the WLD Country Radio 530 AM building on the north side of the Emergency Shelter in North Peak. You’ll find the weapon blueprint on the counter inside.
Sticky Bomb (Scissors + Explosive) – Travel to McKenzie Auto on the east side of North Peak. Find a key on a table in the garage and go into the back room to find a keypad. The keypad will open the Zomb-B bunker, and another key will be found inside of the bunker. Take that key back upstairs to unlock the locker to find the weapon blueprint inside.
Suckmaster 3,000 (Vacuum + Mechanical Parts) – Travel to The Mekanick’s house just southeast of the Emergency Shelter 1in West Ridge. You’ll find a key in the garage, and the blueprint is behind a locked door in the shed.
Need help finding any of these, or have corrections or clarifications? Please let me know in the comments below. Also, check out my other guide for all of the vehicle weapon blueprint locations as well.