In Rage of Bahamut on the Android, iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch, you can add “fellows” which are essentially friends to cheer you on and help you out from time to time.
Adding fellows has several benefits, primarily from giving you five skill points every time you add one to a slot for the first time. They can also help you out in boss battles if necessary, and you can trade cards and other items with them, like the collectible items, and even rupees.
To add more fellows, do the following:
1. Press the My Page button at the bottom of the screen.
2. Scroll down near the bottom and press the Fellows link that shows how many fellows you currently have.
3. It will tell you how many slots you have left at the top of this page If you have slots open, you can press the Search for Fellows button at the top of this page.
4. You’ll see a short list of people you can add, showing their level, how many other fellows they have, and their number of cards. Press Fellow Request next to them, or press the Update button at the bottom to get a fresh list of new fellows.
5. Press Fellow Request again to send them an invite.
Note that you can only have as many invites out as you can fellows, so if people aren’t accepting your fellow requests then you’ll want to delete them request so you can request others that might accept them.