Dead Space 3: Cheats, Unlocks, Tips, & More
There are quite a few unlockables and such in Dead Space 3. I’ll be using this page to catalog everything...
There are quite a few unlockables and such in Dead Space 3. I’ll be using this page to catalog everything...
Dead Space 3 is a resource and money based game, so naturally you want to find the best and fastest...
There are two special power weapons that you can unlock in Dead Space 3. These weapons can’t be crafted, and...
There are several unlockable armor suits in Dead Space 3, including a throwback armor suit from the original Dead Space...
There are five extra game modes that you can unlock in Dead Space 3. The first four (Classic, Hardcore, New...
Here is the complete list of unlockable trophies in Dead Space 3 on the PS3. There are sixteen secret trophies...
Here is the complete list of unlockable trophies in Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch on the PS3. There...
In DMC: Devil May Cry, you can parry the enemy’s attack and stun them for a shorty time. Parrying isn’t...
There are four difficulties (aka game modes) to unlock in DMC: Devil May Cry, if you’re looking for more of...
There are three unlockable costumes in DMC: Devil May Cry on the PS3 and Xbox 360. Here are the costumes...
Here is the complete list of unlockable trophies in DMC: Devil May Cry on the PS3. Unfortunately there aren’t any...
In Dishonored, in order to get low chaos if you want to get the good ending, you’ll have to get familiar with the choke...
In Dishonored, if you’re trying to play through a game using stealth, then you’re going to want to knock people...
In Dishonored, if you would like to put your weapons away, then there is a button your can press to...
There are multiple endings in Dishonored, one of which is considered the good ending. Without spoiling much, the good ending...
In Assassin’s Creed 3, you can perform an air assassination, which is essentially a more dramatic assassination while dropping from...
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